Tomorrow I’m headed to the Women of Faith conference in San Antonio with my friend Karen. I got free tickets in exchange for writing a couple blog posts about the “Women of Faith experience.”

I don’t have anything particularly wise, beautiful, or funny to say about it (I’m required to blog pre-event) except that when I tell people I’m going they giggle. Evidently Women of Faith has been tagged as the kind of thing you go to with your grandmother. 

I like grandmothers.

Oh, I can’t believe I forgot! I’ll get to see Amy Grant, Amy Grant my fifth grade idol. Hers was the first cassette tape I ever purchased. I can still see her, rockin’ the big curly hair, in that crushed velvet dress holding her long gold necklace. 

If only she’d sing the hits from Heart in Motion!

Here’s to hoping…

JL Gerhardt