My daughter is a scout, ever looking, searching, asking, adventuring, blazing a trail miles ahead…
Today I’m praying she’ll be her full scout self with God.
I pray she asks questions, all the questions. I pray she prods when the answers seem simple …

My daughter is a scout, ever looking, searching, asking, adventuring, blazing a trail miles ahead…

Today I’m praying she’ll be her full scout self with God.

I pray she asks questions, all the questions. I pray she prods when the answers seem simple or vague or not-right.

I pray she takes risks, confident in a God with Whom anything is possible.

I pray she looks for God like she looks for treasures in the woods, eyes roving and sharp, expectant.

I pray she has eyes to see, that she’d be sure of the God beside her and in her, before her and behind her, that she’d rejoice with Him and walk with Him and cry with Him and cling to Him, trusting the unseen her soul sees.

I pray she blazes trails, running ahead, mapping the way for those who come behind…

JL Gerhardt