For me it was always going to be all about love.

I watched this trailer in bed with my husband on a sleepy Saturday afternoon, and when I heard those words, “For me it was always…” I thought, Exactly.

Life is a love story, nothing less.

I watch a movie trailer like this and I know what it’s like to be loved like that—completely. I know because my husband chases me even when I stand still, loving, loving, loving me. And I know because the first thing I thought when I saw that boy so dogged in his efforts was God loves me like that—alwaystrying to win me, letting nothing stand in the way.

Paul says, “Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

This is the challenge. It’s easy to be Rachel McAdams, always wooed, always receiving extravagant, fragrant offerings. It’s not as easy to follow God’s example and love Him like He loves us—to make everything all about love, rooting every day in love, pursuing it, enjoying it, protecting it, and building everything else upon it. 

Today, my challenge to myself is to stop being Rachel McAdams, passively receiving, and to start being more like God, actively pursuing. I’m going to chase God, plotting ways to please Him, keeping lists of His favorite things on notebooks in my purse. I’m going to offer my entire self to His pleasure and glory.

That sounds overwhelming. But I think, because I’ve tried something similar loving my husband, it’s actually going to be fun (sometimes, anyway). And exciting. And, bear with me, romantic.

JL Gerhardt