Comic Timing

I just ran into a friend whose husband lost his job several months ago. I hadn’t seen her since I heard, so I was pretty surprised to see she was expecting. She and her husband had wanted a baby for ten years but hadn’t been able to conceive. Just weeks after the firing, they found out about the baby. And all they could do was laugh and laugh and laugh.

Her husband has since found a job, as they (ever-faithful) knew he would.

I know about God’s comic timing, too. I found out I was pregnant with London (after a series of miscarriages) one day before the phone call telling us we’d have to leave New York. I lost my health insurance in the move and, of course, both of us lost our jobs.

Fast forward two months and Justin had a great job. We had a beautiful house, and the state of Tennessee had agreed to pay for my entire pregnancy.

I was terrified at first, but quickly overwhelmed by God’s wisdom and care.

My friend thought she’d never have another baby and then, when a baby seemed beyond inconvenient, God decided the timing was perfect. She, too, saw God bring blessing—on His own time.

I think of Sarah. I understand why she laughed. And I know how surprised she must have been when God, on His own time, brought a blessing into her life.

JL Gerhardt