Take 40 days and give God a chance to lead you out of Egypt.

Chances are, you're shackled by something: an unhealthy relationship, a false idol, a broken dream, an addiction, the fear of failure, the list goes on and on. Thankfully, there's good news and great news. The good news: God wants you to be free. The great news: He can make it happen. 


How To Be Free is a daily devotional and Bible study that arrives in your inbox each morning at 6am. If you complete all 40 days, you'll read your way through the book of Exodus. 

If you're just looking for a daily devotional, How To Be Free works. If you're looking for something to lead you into deeper personal Bible study, How To Be Free has that, too (thanks to tiered levels of potential participation).


Each day's email begins with a key verse followed by:

1. A short devotion based on the text.

2. The day's reading assignment.

3. Questions to get you thinking more deeply about (and applying) what you read

4. Short but illuminating historical context, words studies, etc.

Everything here is helpful, but it's your choice how much you choose to tackle. 


Not a lot. Get a whole 40 days for $12.



Purchase How To Be Free now for $12





"I just wanted to let you know that I am LOVING this study of Exodus. I hope you do another study....kind of reminds me of a Beth Moore only digging deeper and applying it to our personal lives. #ilovehowtobefree"

-Kimmie S.