Papa Rocks the Wii

Tonight I’m playing video games with my grandparents. And they’re good. Crazy.
It was so weird to have my papa giving me pointers on how to hold the controller. I’m having a blast listening to them cheer and jeer in the background.
I love watching him do things he enjoys. He’s so much like a little boy. Most men are when they’re playing games. They’re excited and competitive and engaged.
Women, most of the time, can’t forget themselves. We’re self-conscious. We’re too capable of multi-tasking, of splitting our attention—it limits our ability to get lost in something.
Anyway, bowling with Papa on the Wii was fun. Now they’re trying to make me shoot ducks. This should be interesting…
336.  250 points below what Justin just scored and right about on par with my 75 year old grandfather who can’t really see everything he’s supposed to shoot.
I’m blaming my ineptitude on my distaste for weaponry—and killing ducks.

JL Gerhardt